AEC Industrial Magnetics Manufacturing

4699 Interstate Drive
Cincinnati, OH 45246

2025 Trends in Automation from AEC Magnetics
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2025 Trends in Automation from AEC Magnetics

Permanent & Electromagnets for Automation | AEC Magnetics

Bill shop power suppLowering the threshold for automation--especially for small- and medium-sized companies--is the name of the game in 2025.  "This is the year for those who've shied away from automating due to cost of investment, disruption, integration concerns and other issues," said Bill Klaus, president of AEC Magnetics.  Optimizing existing production will be big this year.  This is due to the the upswing in more 'plug-and-play' -type options. These are affordable solutions that minimize disruption and integration issues."
"We have been magnetics specialists for automated manufacturing since 1961, and we've seen this cycle. Increases in custom solutions reveal new scalable and flexible solutions that, taken together, are more of a drop-in component rather than custom solution. Because we are not re-inventing the entire automation process, the solution is affordable. This synergy has gone on for decades. The products and processes we design in the custom arena always benefit smaller-scale solutions at some poin.  This year is that point."

These more scalable solutions offer a quick way to optimize manufacturing with immediate impact. AEC Magnetics solutions can be inserted directly to existing production with minimal hassle and minima impact.  "For those wanting minimal change, this is a game changer," said Klaus. "Our core competency is design to build automation solutions, and we love starting at 'design,' for any automation process, but this year we are alredy seeing companies new to industrial magnetics invest in scalable automation. It is cost-effective, not disruptive and gives them a competitive edge. 

Flexibility will be key in 2025.  "Modular production systems in particular will be big this year," Klaus said. "Enabling or disabling all or part of a production line--quickly--due to demand, economics or design changes will absolutely provide faster return on investment.  "The reliability of our equipment is superior. My 43 years of experience as magnetics specialist for automated manufacturing is unmatched. I enjoy solving automation challenges and providing efficiency and value. I would love to talk to you about your application.